Our Ambition
I set up Huntwood because I love to see people developing, making progress and making the very best of their talent. As a student of psychology, I am also really interested in what makes people tick and what makes business tick (my best distinction in 1999 was in the social psychology module)
Luckily I found a fantastic team of excellent, like-minded people who are experts in their field of coaching, training, facilitating and helping people to build their skills. Thank you to all Huntwood Associates for your great enthusiasm and dedication to delivering great work
Huntwood’s ambition is to develop thinking, behaviours and attitudes. We equip managers with the best skills to manage change, increase performance and to create success – personal and for their team. We do our best work when we are in partnership with you
When we thought about our approach, and asked our clients for their views, these are the words that kept coming up helpful, positive energy
We also liked the word supersonic, which one of our journalist clients used after his coaching programme ( and very apt, given his career success)
Thank you to all our clients for allowing us to invest our time in your people and we look forward to working with you in the future
And welcome, if you are looking at us for the first time. Please do call, we would love to explore ideas with you
Lollie Tuckey